Articles of the Saut ul-Qur-aan Foundation
Many Ambiyaa (Alayhimus Salaam) were sent to the world for the guidance of mankind.
However, many of their people never accepted them.
They were given miracles by Allah Ta'ala to prove their authenticity.
The greatest miracle of Nabi-e-Kareem (Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) is the Qur-aan.
(Pearls of the Qur-aan-Qari Ismail Essack)
The Qur-aan is a blessing of Allaah Ta’aalaa for all of mankind.
No amount of worldly wealth can replace it. Merely looking into it, reciting it, listening to it, learning it, teaching it, practicing upon its injunctions or propagating it entails great reward and blessings in both the worlds.
This is confirmed by a famous Hadeeth which appears in five of the six major books of Hadeeth wherein Nabee Sallallaahu ‘Alaihi Wa Sallam said: “The best amongst you is the one who learns the noble Qur-aan or teaches it.”
It is mentioned in the Tabaqaat of Ibn Sa’d regarding Aboo ‘Abdurrahmaan as-Sulamee (Rahimahullaah)- a Taabi’ee that he used to be engaged in the service of Hadeeth, however, when he came across the above-mentioned Hadeeth he diverted all his efforts towards the teaching of the noble Qur-aan. He taught Qur-aan in Koofah from the Khilaafah of ‘Uthmaan (Radhiyallaahu ‘Anhu) till the rulership of Hajjaaj, i.e. approximately 40 years. He learnt Qur-aan from ‘Uthmaan, ‘Ali, Zaid ibn Thaabit, Ubay Ibn Ka’b, Ibn Mas’ood and his father Rubay’ah (Radhiyallaahu Anhum). Narrating the above hadith, he used to say: “It is because of this hadith that I sit before you today.”
Another Hadeeth is recorded in Saheeh Muslim, as narrated by ‘Uqbah Ibn ‘Aamir (Radhiyallaahu Anhu), that the Sahaabah (Radhiyallaahu Anhum) were once seated at Suffah when the messenger (Sallallaahu ‘Alaihi Wa Sallam) came to them and said: “Does anyone of you love that he should go every morning to the market of But’haan or ‘Aqeeq and bring back two she camels of the best kind without committing a sin or severing ties?” The Sahaabah (Radhiyallaahu Anhum) replied: “Oh messenger of Allaah, we would surely like to do that.” Nabi (Sallallaahu ‘Alaihi Wa Sallam) said: “If anyone learns two verses (or recites them), that is better for him than two she camels. If he learns three verses, then that is better than three she camels and learning four verses is better than four she camels.”
Another famous Hadeeth of recorded in Tirmidhee states that Nabee (Sallallaahu ‘Alaihi Wa Sallam) is reported to have said, “Whoever recites one letter of the book of Allaah, will receive one virtue, and one virtue is equivalent to ten virtues.” Nabee (Sallallaahu ‘Alaihi Wa Sallam continued, “I am not saying that Alif, Laam, Meem is one letter, in fact Alif is one letter, Laam is one letter and Meem is one letter.”
These Ahaadeeth are some of the examples of the encouragement that Nabee (Sallallaahu ‘Alaihi Wa Sallam) gave to his Ummah to recite the noble Qur-aan, to understand its message and to practice upon it, and to propagate it.
The books of Hadeeth are replete with many Ahaadeeth of similar content.
The least we can do, in order to be counted amongst those who serve the Qur-aan, is to stipulate a portion of the Qur-aan to be recited daily.
One should also keep in mind that together with the recitation of the Qur-aan, it is also a right of the noble Qur-aan that it be recited correctly. An earnest effort should be made in this regard as well.
The services of the ‘Ulamaa of Deen should be secured to assist us with improving the quality of our Tajweed, as well as with gaining a better understanding of the meaning and the message of the Qur-aan.
There are many distinguishing factors through which the Qur-aanic style transcends the power of man and defies imitation.
The ‘Ulamaa have pointed out to several of these factors as follows:
1. The melodious harmony of the Qur-aan reflects neither sedentary softness of the townsmen nor the normal roughness of the Bedouins. It possesses a balanced measure of the sweetness of the former and the vigour of the latter.
2. The rhythms of the verses are more sustained than in prose and less patterned than in poetry. The sentences neither come in prose form nor in a manner of poetry but rather it comes with a harmonious and melodious flow.
3. The sentences are constructed in an elegant style, which uses the least amount of words, but at the same time not falling short in expressing ideas of utmost richness.
4. The Qur-aanic words do not offend, neither because of their familiarity nor because of their extreme rarity, but rather express admirable nobility.
5. The conciseness of expression creates such a striking clarity that the least learned Arabic-speaking person can understand the Qur-aan without difficulty. At the same time there is such a profundity, inspiration and radiance in the Qur-aan that it serves as the basis for the principles and rules of Islaamic sciences, arts, theology and the juridical sciences. Thus, it is almost impossible to express the ideas of the text by means of only one interpretation, either in Arabic or in any other language.
6. There is a perfect bond between the two opposing powers of reason, emotion, intellect and feeling. In the narrations, arguments, doctrines and moral principles, the words have both, persuasive teaching and emotive force. Throughout the entire Qur-aan, the language maintains its surprising solemnity, power and majesty.