
The Various Projects of the Saut ul-Qur-aan Foundation South Africa


Qur-aan Distribution Project

Under the QDP (Qur-aan Distribution Project), the Saut ul-Qur-aan Foundation South Africa distributes copies of the Qur-aan and Yassarnal Qur-aan to various institutions both locally and internationally. Already, Qur-aans have been sent to countries like Malawi, Ghana, Venezuela, Tanzania, Zanzibar, Mozambique and many other countries.

Copies of Yassarnal Qur-aan are also freely distributed, upon request, to various Makatib in the local indegenous areas.



Tajweed Workshops

The Saut ul-Qur-aan Foundation South Africa offers to conduct Tajweed Workshops on various levels, such as Mu’allimeen (teachers) of Makaatib, Hifdh classes or Imaams. Such Workshops are conducted through interactive sessions, thus empowering one to disseminate the knowledge of Tajweed to one’s learners in the most effective way In Sha Allah.

Tajweed workshops can be arranged by contacting us.



Qiraa-ah Jalsahs are held regularly, both, locally and abroad, with the intention of showcasing the beauty of the Qur-aan as far as it's articulation is concerned, thereby encouraging the listeners to also make an effort in mastering Tajweed. Through such Jalsahs, important educational information and knowledge regarding the Qur-aan is also disseminated.

Request for a Jalsah for your local Masjid by hitting the 'Fill in a Jalsah Request' tab below.



Adult Tajweed Classes

It is the aim of the Saut ul-Qur-aan Foundation to establish Tajweed Classes in every Masjid. Often the Qiraa-ah Jalsah is used as a catalyst to launch such Classes.
The objective of these Classes is to offer refresher courses in Tajweed for adults, at their convenience, in a suitable environment.
The Saut ul-Qur-aan Foundation encourages every adult, Male and Female, to arrange such Classes in their communities with consultation of the local ‘Ulama and Imaams.


Qur-aan Museum & Library

SQFSA is enthusiastic about initiating a museum and a library, specifically related to the preservation of our rich heritage of Qur-aan which forms the basis and foundation of our Deen ul Islam.

We, therefore, appeal to all the lovers of  Al Qur-aan Al Kareem to consider donating towards these highly rewarding opportunities by passing over to us rare, old copies of Qur-aans and Qur-aan related artifacts etc.


Audio Projects

The Saut ul-Qur-aan Foundation South Africa produces high quality recordings of Qur-aanic recitations and other Islamic Material.

There are currently 2 projects in the studio and will be available soon:

Project 1 - CD & Booklet - Ideal for revert Muslims, those who wish to refresh their basics in Islam, as well as young children who wish to learn their Surahs with proper Tajweed and to Learn to read Qur-aan with audio and text  (AVAILABLE)

Project 2 - Masnoon Suwar (Audio) (IN PROGRESS)